How We Got Main Street For So Cheap
By now you MUST know that we bought Main Street House. No? Well then you should be following along! Subscribe to get updates when a new blog post is up! I think we got a...
By now you MUST know that we bought Main Street House. No? Well then you should be following along! Subscribe to get updates when a new blog post is up! I think we got a...
“My First Experience As a Bidder By Myself (at a Sheriff Sale)“ I’m usually up by 5:00 am and checking my email by 5:30 am. The other day, at about 5:33 am I was sitting...
(I feel the need, mainly due to the title, to let you know that I LOVE MY CONCRETE COUNTERS. Yes I will be doing them again. Yes I think the avid DIYer could DIY their...
Recently, I’ve been getting the dreaded question “why isn’t the apartment remodel ready to be rented yet?” “How long have you owned that place 8 months? You aren’t done yet? What have you been doing?” First, we...
Below I recount my personal experience with buying a HUD owned home. The short story is this: Buying a HUD owned home was the worst buying experience of my life. My realtor had never seen it before,...
Kitchen Renovation Micro-Blog Check back often for running updates on this page! Instead of multiple individual posts, I add short blurbs about the progress of the kitchen remodel to this page as they happen. So follow along!...
On top of remodeling the apartment above our fixer upper’s garage… And on top of all the emergency issues we’ve fixed… And on top of our full time jobs… we still found time to do...
I’ve flipped (and helped flip) quite a few houses in my lifetime. Which means I’ve renovated a lot of kitchens over the years as well so I know how to remodel a kitchen on a budget. I’ve picked...
If you follow me on social media or here on the blog… Then by now you probably know that Todd and I have completed two, count ’em TWO successful concrete countertop projects! But did you realize...
So you’re wondering what topcoat to use for gel stain cabinets or furniture? Do you even need a top coat with gel stain? Can you use a water based topcoat over oil based gel stain?...
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