Tips for Flipping Houses
Flipping houses is definitely not for the faint of heart or risk averse. While most flippers average a decent salary with flipping houses, there are those outliers who make upwards of $100,000 on a flip...
Flipping houses is definitely not for the faint of heart or risk averse. While most flippers average a decent salary with flipping houses, there are those outliers who make upwards of $100,000 on a flip...
We lucked out on our first flip when it came to the floors. The entire first floor had beautiful hardwood that just needed some refinishing for their beauty to shine through. But let me tell...
I know I know… you’re shocked by the title 5 reasons why you shouldn’t flip houses. You’re constantly bombarded with people telling you how great flipping houses is. How much money you can make flipping...
Since we rented out the apartment and then took our first weekend off in 8 months and I immediately went back to renovating the house! I know I know… finally right? We’ve already demoed quite...
5 Ways to Find a Cheap House | Been There Done That Who doesn’t want to find a good deal on a home? I watched my parents scour the market for opportunities to get a good...
By now you MUST know that we bought Main Street House. No? Well then you should be following along! Subscribe to get updates when a new blog post is up! I think we got a...
“My First Experience As a Bidder By Myself (at a Sheriff Sale)“ I’m usually up by 5:00 am and checking my email by 5:30 am. The other day, at about 5:33 am I was sitting...
(I feel the need, mainly due to the title, to let you know that I LOVE MY CONCRETE COUNTERS. Yes I will be doing them again. Yes I think the avid DIYer could DIY their...
I’ve flipped (and helped flip) quite a few houses in my lifetime. Which means I’ve renovated a lot of kitchens over the years as well so I know how to remodel a kitchen on a budget. I’ve picked...
So you’re wondering what topcoat to use for gel stain cabinets or furniture? Do you even need a top coat with gel stain? Can you use a water based topcoat over oil based gel stain?...
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