I’ve always seen DIY lighted bottles on Pinterest and have always found them so pretty but never had a bottle I found pretty enough to light up and display. Ya know what I mean?
While decorating for Halloween I re-found an old bottle I’ve had for years and immediately thought to myself it would the perfect bottle to use for a DIY lighted bottle! But it’s so pretty I think I’ll display it year round!
Right after I found the bottle I decided to make one of my own and it took about two full minutes, so get ready for a long project guys.
(This post absolutely contains affiliate links to the products I used. This means if you click the link and immediately purchase, I get a smalllllllll commission. Thanks for supporting this blog!)

First I took a picture of the bottle, obvs for this blog post. Then I removed the cork and put it aside where I wouldn’t spend longer searching for it afterward than the project took.

It’s hard to see in the picture but I used a small set of battery operated string lights (you can find them here.) I’ve used these little lights a few other times and was totally happy with them. The last time I bought them, I got a pack of SIX for ten bucks!
I shoved gingerly pushed the lights into the bottle, making sure to spread them evenly throughout the bottle. I kept the “tail” of the string lights out of the bottle and in the back and carefully pushed the cork back down, just snug enough to fit but not so much that it squeezes the cord. (You can also use a diamond drill bit and drill through the bottle so the cord’s not hanging out the top, but I really didn’t want to drill into this beautiful bottle and the back is totally hidden from view anyway.)
And voila! I have a DIY lighted bottle of my own.

I put my new DIY lighted bottle on a shelf among Halloween decor and it looks beautiful. It’ll also look great for Thanksgiving, Christmas, New Years, Valentine’s Day… you get the point. It’s a year round decor piece.

By the way, for those that like to put lights in wine bottles and other types of bottles, I saw Amazon sells lighted corks. Check them out here. The string lights are attached the cork and the on/off switch is located right on the cork! How cool is that?
I know that was a short post, but it was literally a two minute DIY lighted bottle project that doesn’t need much more explaining. Share on Pinterest if you enjoyed!
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