The Story Behind this Flip House
This was a house I flipped with my parents before the boyfriend and I started working together. It was our Summer 2012 project.
OH! You Can Flip Houses for a Living?
This was the flip house that made a light bulb go off in my head. That lightbulb was accompanied by a little voice that started whispering “you can flip houses for a living.” Up until this point my parents and teachers had always pushed me towards a traditional office job, I never felt like it was okay to pursue passions AS A CAREER.
But once I starting helping with the financials and the nitty gritty managerial details of this flip, I realized not only was I good at the manual labor part of flipping but I was actually good at expense tracking, subcontractor organization and other things that go into making a flip successful. Well I didn’t flip a house on my own for another three years after this flip but it was a great learning experience!
This Flip House was a HUD Home
This flip house was a HUD home which means it was a government owned home. And even though I’ve seen way worse, the house could have been classified as a hoarder house.
It appeared that the homeowners had just up and left the house in the middle of the night (which later we found out from neighbors is what actually happened). The biggest clue was when we finally got the electric turned on, the air conditioning, a tv, radio and lots of lights were all on and running!
The saddest part about when people lose their homes and up and leave is that the tend to leave a lot of person affects behind (some of which I would think are very sentimental.) I don’t think I’ll ever get used to having to toss away precious family pictures. But when you’re flipping houses sometimes it’s what you have to do. I’d have storage units full of other people’s personal affects if I kept all the items I’ve felt bad about throwing away over the years.
Anyway, enough about me! You’re here for the before and after pictures of the Mansion Street flip! Our 2012 summer flip house.
Single Detached, 4 Bedroom, 2 Bathroom, 1,360 sqft, 1 Car Detached Garage, .34 acres
The Pictures:
When these pictures were taken I had no clue I’d eventually be using them for a blog post, so I apologize about the quality! Check out the before and after photos of this place below!
Living & Dining Rooms | After


Bathrooms | After


Master Bedroom | After


Additional Bedrooms | After


Exterior | After


Kitchen | After


Laundry & Basement | After


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Also, here’s my plea from a hard working blogger…. if you liked this post and the before and after makeover share it with your friends! I’d really appreciate it! I rely on readers like you sharing!